There are two ways in which a Lumin Smart Panel can be transferred from one owner to another:

Lumin Smart Panel Conveys with the Sale of the Home and Stays in the Same Physical Location

When control of a Lumin system is transferred from one owner to another, two actions need to occur:

  1. The seller adds the buyer as a user of the Lumin location (do this before Step 2!)
  2. The seller or the buyer removes the seller and any other preexisting users from the Lumin location.

For more information, consult the following article:

Note: Our support team will not change, add, or remove users at a Lumin location per our user security policy. Lumin Customer Support can assist with general questions or troubleshooting assistance on the topic. Coordinate with the buyers to whom you are transferring ownership.

Data Retention:

Unless action is taken, the buyers will assume control of the system and all settings, circuit labeling in the app, and consumption history will remain. Sellers should consider the following:

Settings such as Smart Power Mode Power Limits generally will not change. For example, if Lumin is used with a Power Limit of 5,000 watts to prevent a 5 kW inverter from tripping, the Power Limit should remain in place if the inverter is also being transferred to the buyer. However, preferences such as which loads get shed first can be adjusted by the buyer.

Lumin recommends that circuit names be left as-is unless the name contains personal information. Erasing the name will make it difficult for the buyer to determine what controls which loads.

Carefully consider whether the buyer should be able to see power and energy consumption data from before the sale in the Insights tab. Such data could expose habits sellers would prefer to keep private such as daily home occupation patterns and bedtimes. If you would like Lumin to remove this history, contact or call 1-888-421-0616 prior to removing yourself as a user of the Lumin location.

If you are not concerned about the buyer having access to your consumption history, you do not have to take any action; they will be able to access this data by default. Having detailed historical electrical data may benefit from it in several ways:

  1. The data provides a baseline for predicting electrical bills, appliance runtimes, and other performance metrics in the home.
  2. The data provides a baseline for measuring the effectiveness of energy efficiency upgrades.
  3. 12 months of electrical demand data can be used in place of a load study when adding new electrical loads and determining if electrical equipment needs to be upsized. This can potentially save someone adding an electric car or new heat pump thousands of dollars in electrical work.

We recommend providing the new owner(s) with the Lumin Smart Panel's installation manual if available.

Lumin Smart Panel is Sold and Removed to be Installed at a New Home

If you are no longer using your Lumin Smart Panel and plan to remove it from your home to sell it, see:

Please contact Lumin support for assistance with clearing all data from a Lumin Smart Panel that will be installed elsewhere. Circuit names, phase assignments, power and energy history, Schedules, and Smart Power Mode settings all need to be erased so that the new owner can properly set up the equipment elsewhere. or 1-888-421-0616.

Be aware that blue Lumin control wires may have been cut to length to fit the original load center. These wires may not be long enough to reach the breakers in a new load center without splicing extensions on to them.

Note: Per Lumin's user security policy, Lumin Customer Support assistance in situations where user removal, personal information removal, and circuit clearing are not done by the previous owner prior to transferring Lumin Smart Panel ownership is limited. Lumin Customer Support can assist with general questions or troubleshooting assistance on the topic. Coordinate with the individual(s) to whom you are transferring ownership.